Temenos T24 TAFC Connector Guide
The Temenos T24 TAFC connector is instrumental in exposing APIs to Temenos applications deployed on remote data source servers.
With the help of the OpenLegacy CLI and the Temenos T24 TAFC connector, you can create Temenos assets based on the metadata extracted from one of two types of sources: a fetched Temenos T24 application transaction or a fetched Temenos Enquiry. You can then upload the asset to the OpenLegacy Hub and generate a service that provides a working API to the remote Temenos applications based on your uploaded asset.
Create Temenos module and assets
To create a Temenos asset, you will perform the following steps:
- First, create a Temenos module to contain Temenos assets.
- Second, test the connection to the remote Temenos server.
- Third, create a JSON-based Temenos asset by fetching a transaction or by fetching an Enquiry.
- Finally, test the created asset by sending a test query to the remote Temenos data source.
Step 1. Create a Temenos module
First, create the Temenos module:
> ol create module --connector temenos-t24-tafc module-temenos
$ ol create module --connector temenos-t24-tafc module-temenos
Step 2. Test the connection to the remote Temenos T24 server
Run the ol test connection command to verify that the connection properties are correct and hence that the Temenos T24 server on the remote data source is accessible.
Navigate to the module folder:
> cd module-temenos
$ cd module-temenos
From under the module directory, display the help menu of the ol test connection command to review the temenos-t24-tafc connector connection properties.
> ol test connection --help
$ ol test connection --help
The ol test connection help menu displays the connector property list.
Usage: ol test connection [OPTIONS]
Provide connector connection properties and test connectivity to the datasource
--verbose Enables verbose mode
--verbose-debug Enables debug mode
--verbose-trace Enables trace mode
--host TEXT Provide the hostname or ip (required)
--port TEXT Provide the port number (default: 80)
--username TEXT Provide the username (required)
--password TEXT Provide the password
--source TEXT Provide the OFS source name
--charset TEXT Provide the charset name (optional) (default: UTF-8)
--jms-username TEXT
--jms-password TEXT
--jms-vpn-name TEXT
--jms-initial-context-factory TEXT
--jms-remote-connection-factory TEXT
--jms-provider-url TEXT
--jms-init-connection-on-start TEXT (default: true)
--jms-request-queue-name TEXT
--jms-reply-queue-name TEXT
--timeout TEXT Provide the timeout (optional)
--version TEXT Temenos Application Framework version[TAFC, TAFJ] (default: TAFC)
--protocol TEXT Provide the protocol ('http://' or 'https://') (default: http://)
--tafj-connection-type TEXT Represents the way request will be send to TAFJ[SOAP, JMS, JMS_SOLACE] (default: SOAP)
--profile TEXT Configuration profile
-h, --help Show this message and exit
- Run ol test connection:
> ol test connection --host t24-tafc.openlegacy.com --port 20002 --username INPUTT --password 123456 --source test --protocol http:// --charset utf-8 --timeout 30000
$ ol test connection --host t24-tafc.openlegacy.com --port 20002 --username INPUTT --password 123456 --source test --protocol http:// --charset utf-8 --timeout 30000
Step 3. Add an asset to the Temenos 24 TAFC module
After verifying the connection parameters, you can create a Temenos T24 TAFC asset by executing the ol add command. Since the connector supports both the transaction request type and the enquiry request type as means of requesting data from Temenos, you can use the ol add command to either create a transaction-based asset or an enquiry-based asset.
Add a transaction request type asset
- Review the transaction-related properties of the ol add command.
[module-name]> ol add --help
[module-name]$ ol add --help
The ol add help menu displays the connector property list:
--t24-application TEXT Provide T24 application name to fetch and parse
--transaction-version TEXT Provide transaction version (optional)
--function TEXT Provide transaction function (optional)
--gts-control TEXT Provide GTS control number (optional)
--company TEXT Provide company (optional)
- Run ol add with the transaction-related options to create a transaction-based asset.
> ol add --operation-name customer --t24-application CUSTOMER --gts-control 1 --company openlegacy --function I/BUILD
$ ol add --operation-name customer --t24-application CUSTOMER --gts-control 1 --company openlegacy --function I/BUILD
To learn more about the transaction request type options see below.
Add an enquiry request type asset
- Review the enquiry-related properties of the ol add command.
[module-name]> ol add --help
[module-name]$ ol add --help
The ol add help menu displays the connector property list.
--enquiry TEXT Name of the Temenos Enquiry. Indicates need to use Enquiry Fetcher. When not specified, a T24 Application
(Transaction) fetcher is being used by default.
--criteria TEXT Additional criteria for executing an Enquiry. Usually used for specifying values of mandatory fields. For example,
--criteria-delimiter TEXT Delimiter character that separates additional criteria values. For example ',' for 'NAME,EQ,John'
- Run ol add with the enquiry-related options to create an enquiry-based asset.
[module-name]> ol add --enquiry %CURRENCY --operation-name currency-enquiry
[module-name]$ ol add --enquiry %CURRENCY --operation-name currency-enquiry
To learn more about the transaction request type options see below.
Step 4. Test Temenos T24 TAFC asset
After adding the transaction request type asset or the enquiry request type asset, you can test the asset by executing the ol test asset command to verify that you can request and receive actual business data from the data source.
Test a transaction request type asset
From your module folder root go to assets/customer/test_data/case1/:
> cd assets/customer/test_data/case1/
$ cd assets/customer/test_data/case1/
To view and edit the test input data open in.json:
case-1> notepad in.json
case-1$ notepad in.json
in.json contains the information sent to the remote business operation. It consists of the input keys and values that the business operation requires.
"@_transaction_info_": {
"operation": "",
"messageId": null,
"transactionId": "",
"options": {
"version": "",
"function": "I",
"processingFlag": ""
"userInformation": {
"userName": "",
"password": "",
"additional": []
"statusCode": null
In in.json, type the values of the input properties. In the example above, for the transactionId field, type 100384.
Now you are ready to run ol test asset:
> ol test asset customer
$ ol test asset customer
The response from the remote Temenos server is displayed:
"@_transaction_info_": {
"operation": "",
"messageId": null,
"transactionId": "100384",
"options": {
"version": "",
"function": "I",
"processingFlag": "BUILD"
"userInformation": {
"userName": "INPUTT",
"password": "123456",
"additional": []
"statusCode": null
Test an enquiry request type asset
From your module folder root go to assets/currency-enquiry/test_data/case1/:
> cd assets/currency-enquiry/test_data/case1/
$ cd assets/currency-enquiry/test_data/case1/
To view and edit the test input data open in.json:
case-1> notepad in.json
case-1$ notepad in.json
in.json contains the information sent to the remote business operation. It consists of the input keys and values that the business operation requires. When testing a Temenos enquiry asset, specify the input criteria in the in.json file:
"@_enquiry_info_": {
"criteria": [
"value": "",
"fieldName": "",
"operand": ""
- In in.json, enter the criteria fields:
"@_enquiry_info_": {
"criteria": [
"value": "XAU",
"fieldName": "@ID",
"operand": "EQ"
- Now you are ready to run ol test asset:
> ol test asset itemdet
$ ol test asset itemdet
The response from the remote Temenos server is displayed:
"currencyEnquiryResult" : [ {
"ccyId" : "XAU",
"ccyNo" : "959",
"noOfDecimals" : "3",
"quotationCode" : "0",
"deliveryDays" : "1",
"midRevalRate" : "1625.00000",
"buyRate" : "1620.00000",
"sellRate" : "1630.00000",
"timeStamp" : "04 JAN 12 07:39"
} ]
Transaction request type options
The name of the t24 application serving as the destination of the Temenos transaction. The connector’s transaction fetcher extracts the application metadata to model the application business fields.
--t24-application Customer
A modifier on the t24-application name to designate a particular application version that differs in contents and settings.
--transaction-version OFS.DEMO
The pattern in the transaction OFS string that specifies the /FUNCTION/PROCESSING FLAG options. The FUNCTION option can have the following values (partial list):
- I - "Input" (default)
- D - "Delete"
- R - "Reverse"
- V - "Verify"
The PROCESSING FLAG can have the following values (partial list):
- PROCESS (default)
--function ofs.demo/i/validate
A few examples of OFS options
OFS options
Not set.
Not set.
Not set.
Indicates in which company context the t24 application is invoked. If not specified, the default company of the user will be used.
--company openlegacy
Controls the outcome of an OFS transaction in case it is faced with an error message and/or an override message from the application being processed.
- Null - Reject errors / Approve overrides
- 1 - Errors on HLD / Approve Overrides
- 2 - Errors Rejected / Overrides in HLD
- 3 - Errors in HLD / Overrides HLD
- 4 - Hold Only
--gts-control 1
--operation-name (required)
The added asset name
--operation-name customer
Enquiry request type options
The Temenos Enquiry name
Some enquiries include mandatory selection rules called criteria. Because they are mandatory, the enquiry fetcher is required to execute them, although they have no role in the metadata extract. Criteria have a filename, value, operand pattern.
Possible values for the Operand:
- EQ - "Equals"
- NE - "Not equals"
- GE - "Greater or equals"
- GT - "Greater than"
- GT - "Greater than"
- LE - "Less than or equals"
- LT - "Less than"
- UL - "Not matches"
- LK - "Like"
- NR - "Not between"
- RG - "Between"
- CT - "Contains"
- NC - "Not containing"
- BW - "Begins with"
- EW - "Ends with"
- DNBW - "Does not begin with"
- DNEW - "Does not end with"
- SAID - "Sounds like"
--criteria ccyId,EQ,1
Delimiter character that separates criteria elements, e.g. ACCT.ID,EQ,1,TIMESTAMP,EQ,25JUL2020
--criteria-delimiter ','
Connection options
--source (required)
The name of the OFS.SOURCE application on the Temenos server side that handles all request types. A Temenos server can have multiple OFS.source applications.
--source OFS.DEMO
--host (required)
The hostname or IP of the Temenos server
--host t24-tafc.openlegacy.com
Whether to use one model per asset or two models: one for the base common business fields, the other for the service unique business fields, (default "false").
--use-single-model true
Represents the request messaging protocol used to send to TAFJ [SOAP, JMS, JMS_SOLACE] (default: SOAP)
--tafj-connection-type SOAP
Temenos Application Framework version [TAFC, TAFJ], (default: TAFC)
--version TAFJ
The username for the TAFC JMS connection type
--jms-username user001
The password for the TAFC JMS connection type
--jms-password P@ssw0rd
--module-path [missing_value]
The request character encoding standard, (default: UTF-8).
--charset ANSI
The Temenos system port on the remote server (default: 80)
--port 20002
--username (required)
The valid Temenos account username
--username user001acc
The valid Temenos account password
--password P@ssw0rd2
--timeout 30000
The application protocol, 'http://' or 'https://', (default: http://)
--protocol https://
key-value pairs of dynamic options
--additional [missing_value]
The selected connection property set to be merged with the other properties of the ol add or ol test connection commands (see: Connection Profiles).
--profile qa
How does the connector work on runtime
The Temenos T24 TAFC connector runtime data flow consists of the following steps:
- First, the data consumer sends a data query described in JSON to the OpenLegacy Temenos service.
- After receiving the request, the OpenLegacy Temenos service converts the JSON data query to either a Temenos transaction or a Temenos Enquiry. The service then sends the transaction or Enquiry to the remote Temenos data source.
- The remote Temenos data source processes the Enquiry or the transaction and responds with the required data.
Updated 4 months ago