DB2-ZOS-DB connector


  1. Go to {user.home}\.ol\cli\

  2. Create the extra-classpath-resources folder in the cli folder.

  3. Save the following files in extra-classpath-resources.

    • db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    • db2jcc4-10.5.jar
    • db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar

CLI Commands

ol test connection

[module folder]> ol test connection --url jdbc:db2:// --username demo --password 12345 --query-timeout 3000 --connection-test-query "SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE ID='A1000000001'" --pool-max-size 5
[module folder]$ ol test connection --url jdbc:db2:// --username demo --password 12345 --query-timeout 3000 --connection-test-query "SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE ID='A1000000001'" --pool-max-size 5

ol add

[module folder]> ol add --executable GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS --advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')
[module folder]$ ol add --executable GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS --advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')


--executable (required)

The stored procedure name



The advanced query for fetching a result set

--advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')


The JDBC url

--url jdbc:db2://


The database user

--username demo


The database password

--password 12345


The query timeout (in milliseconds) of callable statements for stored procedures.

--query-timeout 5000


Specific validation query if the driver is not jdbc4 compatible

--connection-test-query "SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE ID='A1000000001'"


The maximal size of the thread pool

--pool-max-size 5