How to run the OpenLegacy LightHub on a different port

The OpenLegacy LightHub was created as a light version of the OpenLegacy Hub Enterprise that should work on any development station. We recommended running it as a docker container.

By default, it exposes the Application on port 8080. In case you would like to change it please follow one of the next steps:

When using the Docker image, you can run the following commands:

docker run -p <PORT>:8080 --name hub-light -d openlegacy/hub-enterprise-light:<TAG>

Or use this docker-compose

version: '3.7'  
  hub-light :  
    container_name: hub-light  
    image: openlegacy/hub-enterprise-light:<TAG>  
      - <port>:8080

When using a local jar, you should set the following environmental variables:
