How to work with project tags
OpenLegacy Hub allows users to create immutable project tags when needed. This approach is important before promoting a solution to a higher environment. For instance, as long as you are developing the API, you are not tagging it, and every change you are doing will be automatically reflected on runtime. Once you want to move forward with the API you can tag the API, and there will be an immutable tag for you to use, we refer in the API properties as project-version.
Tags are incremental, where 0 will always be the latest version.
You can specify it using the following CLI commands:
Project Generation
# Gradle build tool
ol generate --project cics-demo --generator spring-java-rest --license --connection --project-version <VERSION NUMBER>
# Maven build tool
ol generate --project cics-demo --generator spring-java-rest --build-tool maven --license --connection --project-version <VERSION NUMBER>
Exporting OPZ
ol export project --compatability-ver <OL CORE VERSION> --connection <PROJECT NAME> --project-version <VERSION NUMBER>
# Gradle build tool
ol generate --project cics-demo --generator spring-java-rest --provider opz --license --connection --project-version <VERSION NUMBER>
# Maven build tool
ol generate --project cics-demo --generator spring-java-rest --build-tool maven --provider opz --license --connection --project-version <VERSION NUMBER>
Directly in the YAML
You can set the version in the API YAML under this property:
source-provider: HUB
project-version: <Version Number>
Environment Variable
You can set the following environment variable
Updated 7 months ago