Mainframe Dataset Connector Guide
Create MF-Dataset assets
The MF-Dataset connector includes a prepackaged asset containing the metadata necessary for fetching data from the MF Dataset Records file. In contrast to the prepackaged asset, the assets that you add to the module using the ol add command are entity-type assets containing only the metadata describing the business fields required by the data consumer.
To create an MF-Dataset asset, add to the module the entity-type asset describing the business data you want to expose. Then, refer to that asset from the sort2-operation asset that is prepackaged with the MF-Dataset connector. Finally, to test the asset, insert input parameters to the in.json file of sort2-operation.
Step 1. Create MFDS module
First, create the MF-Dataset module.
> ol create module mfds-module --connector mainframe-dataset
$ ol create module mfds-module --connector mainframe-dataset
The prepackaged sort2-operation asset is generated under the assets directory in your module folder. You will need to use it later.
Step 2. View the properties of the MFDS connector
After creating your connector module, you can learn what properties you need to populate to continue creating the asset.
Navigate to the module folder:
> cd mfds-module
$ cd mfds-module
From under the module directory, display the help menu of the ol add command:
[module-name]> ol add --help
[module-name]$ ol add --help
The ol add help menu displays the connector property list:
Usage: ol add [OPTIONS]
Add Asset to Module metadata
--verbose Enables verbose mode
--verbose-debug Enables debug mode
--verbose-trace Enables trace mode
--additional VALUE Additional properties
--source-path TEXT Provide local copybook source (required)
--indicator-value TEXT Provide records indicator key
--update-assets Add a collection or structure of the copybook type to the default assets
--host TEXT Define the mainframe dataset host address (required)
--port TEXT Define the mainframe dataset port number (required) (default: 21)
--user TEXT Specify the mainframe dataset username (required)
--password TEXT Specify the mainframe dataset password (required)
--output-file-prefix TEXT Specify the prefix to be used when fetching the output file
--output-file-suffix TEXT Specify the suffix to be used when fetching the output file
--file-name TEXT Specify file name
--record-offset TEXT Specify record position
--record-read-length TEXT Specify length to read for record length
--record-length TEXT Specify record length - only when length is fixed
--default-job-card TEXT Specify the default job card
--records TEXT
--code-page TEXT Specify the mainframe dataset code page (default: cp037)
--spaces-are-null TEXT (default: true)
--exclude-spaces-are-null TEXT Exclude type from treat spaces as null[STRING, NUMBER, DATA, ENUM, BOOLEAN, CHARACTER] (default: [])
--treat-empty-string-as-low-value TEXT (default: false)
--space-char TEXT (default: 40)
--timeout TEXT Specify the timeout for FTP commands (default: 0)
--local-passive-mode TEXT Specify if FTP client should work in local passive mode (default: true)
--output-poll-interval TEXT (default: 500)
--output-poll-timeout TEXT (default: 10000)
--records-have-fixed-length TEXT Specify if records have fixed length (default: false)
--response-format TEXT [ASCII, HEX] (default: ASCII)
--var0 TEXT
--hlq TEXT
--version TEXT
--cust-id TEXT
--file-id TEXT
--inc TEXT
--file-param TEXT
--record-id-position TEXT The position, in the record, of the beginning of the data to be collected as ID
--record-id-length TEXT The number of bites to collect as ID
--outfil-name TEXT (default: OUT1)
--pool.pool.enabled TEXT Specify if enabling the ftp client pool (default: true)
--pool.pool.max-size TEXT Specify the maximum size of the connection pool (default: 10)
--pool.pool.idle-time TEXT Specify the maximum idle time for the connection in ms (default: 180000)
--ssl.enabled TEXT (default: false)
--ssl.protocol TEXT Default secure socket protocol name (default: TLS)
--ssl.implicit TEXT The security mode. (True - Implicit Mode / False - Explicit Mode) (default: false)
--ssl.client-certificate-path TEXT The path of the client certificate TEXT The store pass of the client certificate
--bidi.response-enabled TEXT Enable bidi logic on response field (default: false)
--bidi.request-enabled TEXT Enable bidi logic on request field (default: false)
--profile TEXT Configuration profile
--delete-response-file Specify if FTP file will be deleted by the end of the process
-h, --help Show this message and exit
For more information on the MFDS connection properties, see Properties below.
Step 3. Test the connection to the MFDS remote data source
Run the ol test connection command with the connection properties below to verify that the data source is accessible and that the connection properties are correct:
[module-name]> ol test connection --host --port 2025 --user testuser --password testpass --output-file-prefix prefix --output-file-suffix suffix --records-have-fixed-length true --record-offset 8 --record-length 1 --file-name AAVSAM4
[module-name]$ ol test connection --host --port 2025 --user testuser --password testpass --output-file-prefix prefix --output-file-suffix suffix --records-have-fixed-length true --record-offset 8 --record-length 1 --file-name AAVSAM4
Step 4. Add an entity-type asset to the MFDS module
After you verified the connection parameters, you can create the asset. The MFDS module you created in step 1 contains a generic prepackaged asset specifying the metadata necessary for accessing the information stored on an MF Dataset records file. Now you can add the asset specifying the metadata required for the customized service you want to create.
The connector requires a local copybook file as a data source for the connector.
For example the user-info-new copybook file (CPY):
01 id PIC X(6).
01 fillers PIC X(1).
01 fullName.
01 userAddress PIC X(24).
01 city PIC X(15).
01 cityCode PIC X(3).
01 zipCode PIC 9(6).
Add the asset by performing the ol add command as in the example below:
[module-name]> ol add --source-path ./COMPANY.cpy --indicator-value C1
[module-name]$ ol add --source-path ./COMPANY.cpy --indicator-value C1
The ol add command adds the asset folder inside the module directory. The folder contains the asset metadata file ([asset-name].json) and the asset testing resources.
Step 5. Test the MFDS asset
Test the asset you added to verify that you can request and receive actual business data from the data source.
The asset you just added is an entity-type asset and cannot be tested directly. For that purpose, refer to your entity-type asset from the in.json file of the prepackaged sort2-operation asset.
sort2-operation describes the information required for querying information from an MF-dataset records file. In addition, specify in in.json a condition that filters the query results.
- Open assets/sort2-operation/test_data/case-1/in.json:
"var0" : "000100",
"fileName" : "OUT1",
"conditions" : [ {
"entity" : "com.openlegacy.entity.userinfonew.UserInfoNew",
"field" : "id",
"symbol" : "LESS",
"value" : "C'&V00'"
} ],
"operator" : null,
"hlq" : "replace with hlq",
"version" : "V0000001",
"custId" : "replace with cust id",
"fileId" : "AAVSAM2",
Set the entity key to the asset's qualified name specified in the generated entity JSON file. "qualifiedName" : "com.openlegacy.entity.userinfonew.UserInfoNew"
Create the filter condition "id < C'&V00'" by setting the field, symbol, and value keys.
Set the qualifiers that resolve dataset names on the mainframe side. In the example above, the qualifiers are hlq, version, custId, and fileId. To obtain the qualifiers and their values for your mainframe system, consult with your MF system programmer.
Run ol test asset for sort2-operation:
[module-name]> ol test asset sort2-operation
[module-name]$ ol test asset sort2-operation
The following output is displayed:
"records": [
"id": "000010",
"lastName": "Alebert",
"firstName": "John",
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.fullname.Fullname"
"useraddress": "134 St Park Street",
"city": "California",
"citycode": "CA",
"zipcode": 961540,
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.userinfonew.UserInfoNew"
"id": "000020",
"lastName": "Bradford",
"firstName": "Billie",
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.fullname.Fullname"
"useraddress": "222 Baker Boulevard",
"city": "Baltimore",
"citycode": "MD",
"zipcode": 357020,
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.userinfonew.UserInfoNew"
"id": "000030",
"lastName": "Carson",
"firstName": "Cameron",
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.fullname.Fullname"
"useraddress": "333 Crenshaw Blvd.",
"city": "Cupertino",
"citycode": "CA",
"zipcode": 961540,
"@clazz_name@": "com.openlegacy.entity.userinfonew.UserInfoNew"
The path to a local data-source copybook (CPY) file. The path is used by the CLI ol add command to access the file and parse it to extract its metadata.
--source-path ./user-info-new.cpy
The indicator value identifies the record type of each record in the file. A VSAM file can contain multiple record types (e.g., account, customer, credit card).
--indicator-value E4A28599
The starting position of the record indicator value in the record.
--record-offset 8
The number of characters reserved in the record for the record indicator.
--record-length 4
Enable the ftp client connection pool
--pool.pool.enabled true
The maximum connection number in the pool
--pool.pool.max-size 8
Specify the timeout for FTP commands
--timeout 42000
The time interval between output log polls in milliseconds
--output-poll-interval 300000
The maximum duration of an output log polling
--output-poll-timeout 1000
FTP client transfer mode is set to passive (default: true)
--local-passive-mode true
The default job card is used if the service source code does not specify the job card (job card is mandatory for the JCL to work).
Whether the records have fixed length (default: false). If the record indicator is not specified, set the option to true.
--records-have-fixed-length true
The suffix of the job output file. The prefix and suffix are used for retrieving the file via ftp.
--output-file-suffix suffix
The prefix of the job output file. The prefix and suffix are used for retrieving the file via ftp.
--output-file-prefix prefix
The mainframe dataset host address
The mainframe dataset username
--user demo
The mainframe dataset password (when using a SSL client certificate do not add a password)
--password 12345
The output file code page
--code-page 037
The mainframe dataset port number
--port 2025
Whether the FTP file will be deleted after the asset response (default: true).
--delete-response-file false
The path of the client certificate (required when using mTLS)
The store pass of the client certificate (required when using mTLS)
Runtime behavior
The MFDS connector receives a data request from the data consumer, converts it into JCL statements, and transfers them to the mainframe data source via FTP. The JCL statements trigger the MF job and return the Job ID via FTP.
Then, the connector, using FTP commands, polls the job log in predefined intervals and checks if the job ended successfully. If it does, the connector retrieves the output file via FTP, processes the data, and sends it back to the data consumer.
Updated 4 months ago