DB2 AS400 Connector Guide
The DB2 AS400 connector provides an API to DB2 databases deployed on AS400 servers through which query results can be obtained and distributed to all consumer channels.
The DB2 AS400 connector data flow consists of the following steps:
- First, the data consumer sends a REST request specified in JSON to the OpenLegacy DB2 AS400 microservice.
- The asset then converts the JSON data query to [binary? RPC?].
- The [binary?] request is sent to the DB2 AS400 server.
- The DB2 AS400 server returns the query result set to the service.
- Finally, the service converts the response binary code to JSON and returns it to the data consumer.
The connector configuration is done in the OpenLegacy CLI and the OpenLegacy Hub. First, use the CLI to generate an asset containing a model of the API input and output parameters and upload the asset to an OpenLegacy Hub project. Next, generate a microservice on top of your uploaded asset in the hub. Finally, deploy the microservice on the cloud or on-prem and test the service to confirm that it provides a working API to your DB2 tables.
The DB2 AS400 connector can access the AS400 DB2 database by calling stored procedures or executing prepared statements. The following options determine which access method is used:
- Stored Procedures: Set the --executable option to the name and location of the stored procedure.
- Prepared Statements: Set the --query option to the SQL statement.
Create DB2 AS400 module and assets
- First, create a DB2 AS400 module to contain Temenos assets.
- Second, test the connection to the remote DB2 AS400 server.
- Third, create a JSON-based DB2 AS400 asset.
- Finally, test the created asset by sending a test query to the remote DB2 AS400 data source.
Step 1. Create a DB2 AS400 module
First, create the DB2 AS400 module.
[module-name]> ol create module m-db2-as400-db --connector db2-as400-db
[module-name]$ ol create module m-db2-as400-db --connector db2-as400-db
Step 2. Test the connection to the remote DB2 AS400 server
Run the ol test-connection command to verify that the connection properties are correct and hence that the DB2 AS400 server on the remote data source is accessible.
Navigate to the module folder
[module-name]> cd m-db2-as400-db
[module-name]$ cd m-db2-as400-db
From under the module directory, display the help menu of the ol test connection command to review the DB2 AS400 connector connection properties.
> ol test connection --help
$ ol test connection --help
The ol test connection help menu displays the connector connection properties.
--verbose Enables verbose mode
--verbose-debug Enables debug mode
--verbose-trace Enables trace mode
--url TEXT Specify JDBC url (required)
--username TEXT Specify database user (required)
--password TEXT Specify database password
--query-timeout TEXT Specify query timeout (default: 30000)
--connection-test-query TEXT Specify connection test query (default: VALUES current date)
--pool-max-size TEXT (default: 5)
--profile TEXT Configuration profile
-h, --help Show this message and exit
To learn more about the ol test connection properties see below.
- Run ol test connection.
[module-name]> ol test connection --url "jdbc:as400://as400.openlegacy.com;libraries=TEST;" --username "OPLSECOFR" --password "OPENLEGA"
[module-name]$ ol test connection --url "jdbc:as400://as400.openlegacy.com;libraries=TEST;" --username "OPLSECOFR" --password "OPENLEGA"
Step 3. Add an Asset to the DB2 AS400 Module
After verifying the connection parameters, you can create a DB2 AS400 asset by executing the ol add command. This command can be used in two ways:
- SQL Query: Provide an SQL query statement, which the connector analyzes to extract the
column names and data types. This data is used to define the input metadata of the asset. The connector then executes the query on the DB2 AS400 system, analyzing the result set to define the output metadata of the asset. - Stored Procedure: Point to a stored procedure, which the connector will analyze to extract its input and output structures, using this data to define the asset's metadata.
After verifying the connection parameters, you can create a DB2 AS400 asset by executing the ol add command. The command receives the SQL query statement and extracts the SELECT column names and data types. The connector uses this data to compose the input metadata parameters of the asset. Next, the connector applies the query statement on the DB2 AS400 and analyses the returned result set to compose the asset output metadata parameters.
Review the properties of ol add command.
[module-name]> ol add --help
[module-name]$ ol add --help
The ol add help menu displays the connector property list.
Parser options | Executable:
--advanced-result-set-query TEXT Specify advanced query for fetching a result set
--executable TEXT Specify database executable path to procedure or function (required)
Parser options | Query:
--query TEXT Specify query value (required)
--execute-query Execute query for analyze
--input-columns <text> Provide input column info
Parser options:
--operation-name <text> Specify operation name
--verbose Enables verbose mode
--verbose-debug Enables debug mode
--verbose-trace Enables trace mode
--additional VALUE Additional properties
--url TEXT Specify JDBC url (required)
--username TEXT Specify database user (required)
--password TEXT Specify database password
--query-timeout TEXT Specify query timeout (default: 30000)
--connection-test-query TEXT Specify connection test query (default: VALUES current date)
--pool-max-size TEXT (default: 5)
--profile TEXT Configuration profile
-h, --help Show this message and exit
with a prepared statement (using the --query option):
[module-name]> ol add --query 'SELECT * FROM TEST.ACCOUNT_TEST_IN WHERE ID=?' --operation-name by_id
[module-name]$ ol add --query 'SELECT * FROM TEST.ACCOUNT_TEST_IN WHERE ID=?' --operation-name by_id
with a stored procedure (using the --executable option):
[module-name]> ol add --executable DEMO.BANK_EXAMPLE.GET_ACCOUNT_BY_ID --advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')
[module-name]$ ol add --advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')
To learn more about the ol add properties see below.
Step 4. Test the DB2 AS400 asset
After adding the asset, you can test it by executing the ol test asset command to verify that you can request and receive actual business data from the data source.
From your module folder root go to assets/by_id/test_data/case1/.
[module-name]> cd assets/by_id/test_data/case1/
[module-name]$ cd assets/by_id/test_data/case1/
To view and edit the test input data open in.json.
case-1> notepad in.json
case-1$ notepad in.json
in.json contains the information sent to the remote business operation. It consists of the input keys and values that the business operation requires.
"id" : 0
In in.json, type the values of the input properties. In the example above, for the id field, type 4.
Now you are ready to run test-asset.
> ol test asset by_id
$ ol test asset by_id
The response from the remote DB2 AS400 server is displayed:
"select" : [ {
"id" : 4,
"accountNumber" : 12346,
"balance" : "10500",
"polled" : "true",
"creationDate" : "2022-01-13 08:26:26.000000 +00:00"
} ]
Step 5: Push the module to the OL Hub
Now that you are sure that the DB2 AS400 assets are operating as they should, that the connecting properties are accurate, and that the DB2 AS400 database responds with the correct data, you can push the finalized module to the hub.
Make sure you are logged in to the OL Hub before executing ol push module.
Run the ol push module command from the module folder root.
[module-name]> ol push module
[module-name]$ ol push module
The CLI displays the command success status:
Module demo_module pushed successfully to the HUB
Step 6: Continue in OL Hub
Your module is now on the OL Hub and can serve as a foundation for generating services for your data consumer.
Review the new module with assets in the OL Hub.
Next generate a microservice on top of your uploaded asset in the OL Hub.
Connector Options
--executable (required for stored procedure data fetching)
The stored procedure name
--advanced-result-set-query (for stored procedure data fetching)
The advanced query for fetching a result set
--advanced-result-set-query CALL DEMO001.GET_ACCOUNT_ORDERS('A100054321')
--query (required for prepared-statement data fetching)
The SQL statement querying the DB2 AS400 database
--operation-name (required)
The name of the generated asset
--operation-name mySpecialName
key-value pairs of dynamic options
--additional [missing_value]
The URL of the Java interface to the db2 database
--url jdbc:as400://as400.openlegacy.com;libraries=TEST/p>
The database user
--username OPLSECOFR
The database password
--password OPENLEGA
The query timeout (default: 30000)
--query-timeout 10000
This query objective is to validate that a given connection to the database is still alive. It is executed before the connection is assigned from the connection pool. If your driver supports JDBC4, we strongly recommend not setting this property.
--connection-test-query "SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE ID = 'A100000001'"
Thread pool maximal size (default: 5)
--pool-max-size 7
The connection profile of ol add or ol test connection (see: Connection Profiles).
Updated 4 months ago