Install OpenLegacy CLI (Mac)


  • Java JDK 17 (required)

Install Openlegacy CLI with a portable installer

  1. Download the installation file.

  2. Unzip the installation file.

  3. In the Terminal, go to ol/bin.

  4. Type $ ./ and press enter.


If you do not have executable permission, run chmod -x install before running

  1. Run the ol command to confirm that the CLI is working properly.

Install the Openlegacy CLI with Brew

  1. In your terminal add the OpenLegacy homebrew tap.

    brew tap openlegacy/tap
  2. Install the latest openlegacy-cli package.

    brew install openlegacy-cli

If you want to install a specific version run:

brew install [email protected]
  1. Run ol to confirm that the CLI is working properly.

Upgrade the OpenLegacy CLI with Brew

  1. In your terminal, run the following:

    brew upgrade openlegacy-cli
  2. To confirm that OpenLegacy CLI was upgraded to the latest version, run ol -v.

Uninstall the OpenLegacy CLI with Brew

If you want to uninstall the OpenLegacy CLI run:

brew uninstall openlegacy-cli

Install auto-completion

Auto completion is preinstalled with the OpenLegacy CLI. If for some reason auto-completion is not working with your installation, perform the following:


echo "source /usr/local/opt/openlegacy-cli/etc/bash_completion.d/ol" >> ~/.bashrc


echo "source /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_ol" >> ~/.zshrc