JUMP TOCLI ReferenceOpenLegacy Compatibility MatrixCLI Command ReferenceGlobal OptionsCLI Command Syntaxol addol clone moduleol config deployerol config fetcherol config hubol config moduleol config proxyol copy assetol create agentol create api-keyol create clientol create contractol create fetcherol create methodol create moduleol create projectol create remote-clientol create templateol create testol delete agentol delete assetol delete contractol delete hubol delete moduleol delete profileol delete projectol delete propertyol delete testol deployol export projectol export repositoryol fetchol generateol import moduleol import repositoryol list agentsol list api-keysol list assetsol list connectorsol list deployersol list generatorsol list hubsol list modulesol list profilesol list projectsol list templatesol list testsol loginol logoutol push assetol push moduleol push resourcesol set cacheol set propertyol start agentol start emulationol templates editol test assetol test connectionol test methodol update api-keyol update settingsol usageConnector Cheat SheetsConnector Cheat Sheet ReferenceCICS-COBOLIBM-MQ-COBOLIBM-MQ-PCMLIBMi-AS400-COBOLIBMi-AS400-PCMLIMS-COBOLIMS-PL/1MF-CTG-COBOLORACLE-STORED-PROCEDURESAPTEMENOS-TAFCDB2-ZOA-SPREST-APIORACLE-DBxml-filesMSSQLSybase-DBMF-DATASETPublic APIs - ModulesModuleread modulegetdelete moduledeleteupdate moduleputcreate modulepostread all modulesgetdelete module by namedeletePublic APIs - ProjectsProjectget projectgetupdate projectputdelete projectdeletecreate project by modulespostget all projectsgetcreate project by solutionpostadd modules to projectputtag project by idposttag project by namepostdeploy projectpostduplicate projectpostPowered by ol start emulationStart an AS/400 terminal emulationSyntax ol start emulation [OPTIONS] Options --trail-path The emulation trail path --profile The configuration profile