ol export project

Export project metadata

Export a project from the OL Hub to your local machine. The project is downloaded in a compressed form with an OPZ file extension (OpenLegacy Project Zip). 

Usually, creating a project-based service is done in one process on OL Hub. After you prepare the project metadata by setting modules, assets, and contracts, you can continue straight to generating the service in OL Hub.

Sometimes, however, it makes more sense to separate project metadata preparation from service generation. You can export the entire project metadata into one compressed file called OpenLegacy Project Zip Archive (OPZ) to achieve this separation. 

You can then send the OPZ file to users that do not have access to the OL Hub but can deploy the service by embedding the file in an OpenLegacy run-time component. 

Rules and Prerequisites

Login to the OL Hub. 


ol export project PROJECT_NAME [OPTIONS]


PROJECT_NAME  (required)

The name of the project to be exported from the OL Hub



Include in the exported project the OL Hub user license file (default: false).


Include in the exported project the connection properties for all modules (default: false). 


The exported OPZ file destination location on the local machine. By default, the location is the current folder.

--project-version, -pv

The project version number


Include all assets existing in the modules

--compatability-ver, -cv

The desired compatibility version of the exported project (default: latest)


Exporting a project

temp> ol export project project-mf-cics-cobol
temp$ ol export project project-mf-cics-cobol

Exporting a project including license and connection properties

temp> ol export project project-mf-cics-cobol --license --connection
temp$ ol export project project-mf-cics-cobol --license --connection

Exporting a project with a specified API compatibility version

temp> ol export project my-project-name --compatability-ver 2023-01-09
temp$ ol export project my-project-name --compatability-ver 2023-01-09