ol list connectors

Display the list of OL Hub connectors

The ol list connectors command lists the connectors you downloaded to your CLI tool or the connectors available remotely on the OL Hub for download. 

For a complete list of the available connectors, including their properties and prerequisites, see the Connector guides section.


ol list connectors [OPTIONS]


--remote, -r

List the connectors available for download on the OL Hub Solution Center.


List the connectors you have already downloaded from the OL Hub and installed with your local OL CLI.

--filter, -f

The regular expression to filter the list by connector name


Listing the connectors installed with your local OL CLI

temp> ol list connectors
temp$ ol list connectors

Listing the connectors available for download on the OL Hub

temp> ol list connectors --remote
temp$ ol list connectors --remote