ol add

Add Asset to Module metadata

The ol add command generates an asset metadata file from a given data source and adds it to the module. Also, the command creates testing resources that you can use if you want to test the new metadata file.

The command receives, as option values, the name and connection properties of the data source file. You can only run it from the root of the module folder you created by a prior execution of the ol create module command. The command refers to the module.json file to learn which connection properties to expect. The command populates the connection properties in module.json  with the connection property values you passed as the command options.

The command has to access the data source and parse it to create the asset metadata file. If the data source file is stored locally, ol add accesses the file with the help of the local path passed as the value of the --source-path

If the data source file is stored remotely, the file has to be fetched first with the help of the connection property values specific to the connector type. After the file is accessed, the command can parse it to create the asset metadata file.

The ol add command creates the asset folder in the module folder root, generates in it the asset metadata JSON file and gives it the same name as the data source name.  In the same location, the command creates the  test_data folder that contains testing resources for ensuring that the new asset is working correctly.


  • Login to the OL Hub.
  • Execute the ol add command from the module root folder.


ol add [OPTIONS]



The path to a local data-source file. The ol add command uses the path to access the file and then parse it to extract its metadata. The --source-path option is required for all mainframe-based connectors.

Connection properties

Each data source type has different connection properties. For example, a SAP data source has different connection properties than a REST data source, while files copied from a remote data source to your local machine have no connection properties at all. 

To learn what the connection properties are for each data source, refer to the ol add command --help option.


Adding a local mainframe data source

[module-name]> ol add --source-path ./itemde.cbl
[module-name]$ ol add --source-path ./itemde.cbl

Adding a remote SAP data source

[module-name]> ol add -a bapi_get_customer --host --router 800
[module-name]$ ol add -a bapi_get_customer --host --router 800