ol export repository

Export repository metadata

You can export the repository from the OL Hub to create backups or share it with other tenants and environments.

The exported repository can include all projects and their modules that exist in your OL Hub account. You can choose to export only specific projects rather than the full repository. 

The repository is downloaded in a compressed form with an ORZ file extension (OpenLegacy Repository Zip). 

Rules and Prerequisites

Login to the OL Hub.  


ol export repository PROJECT_NAME [OPTIONS]



The list of the exported projects. If PROJECT_NAME is not provided, the entire repository will be exported. An error message is issued if the specified project does not exist.


--connection, -c

Include in the exported repository the connection properties of all modules (default: false). 

--path, -p

The destination path of the downloaded ORZ file. By default, the OL CLI will download the file to the current folder. An error message is issued if the specified path does not exist.

--file, -f

The repository file name. The default file name is ol-hub-export-timestamp.orz


Exporting a repository

temp> ol export repository
temp$ ol export repository

Exporting specified projects including connection properties

[module-name]> ol export project-mf-cics-cobol project-get-acc-by-id --connection
[module-name]$ ol export project-mf-cics-cobol project-get-acc-by-id --connection