OL Hub Release Notes V1.68

Release Date: 29 May 2023

Handling of list with large number of elements in asset

An asset that contains a large number of elements could create a stack overflow. This issue was fixed.

Fixed: Failed serializing field error when content is an xml encoded to base64

Encoding to the connector-supported Base64-Safe-URL rather than Base64 fixed this issue.

Create input model from Resultset

With DB Poller (using Oracle, SQL Server or DB2), you can create an input model from the DB Resultset. This bypasses the need to create an asset and then copy the input or output model from the asset.

Invoke Step with Enabled Agent via Pub/Sub

Users now have the ability to leverage the Agent flow between their private cloud and on-premises environment. In addition to the option of forwarding requests to the on-premises environment via websockets, users can now forward requests via Pub/Sub (Kafka) messaging. This mode allows for seamless communication between the application and on-prem systems, ensuring reliable message exchange.

Default case for conditions

A default case is added to Conditions (after creating at least one case). The default case can be edited.

Additional operators for conditions

Additional operators were added for collection of primitives: Contains and Not Contains.