OL Hub Release Notes V1.57

Release Date: 14 September 2022

API Flow Sandbox

Up to now, users were confined to the asset level when they wanted to test new APIs. This limitation is removed, on this release, with the introduction of method flow testing. Now users can test how multiple assets interact to form the complete method flow and instantly confirm that business logic is implemented correctly before generating and deploying the new API code. Simply enter the input step values and see what comes at the other side.

Reverse API integration architecture

Until recently, OpenLegacy primarily supported one-directional data-integration flow, in which legacy layers were only responding to application requests from the web, cloud, mobile, or other platforms.

This approach was recently updated with the introduction of the DB Poller integration architecture in which legacy systems and databases can actively initiate data interaction and events, thus providing
all-directional system interoperability. Reverse API is another solution conforming to this new integration architecture.

The Reverse API integration architecture enables mainframe-based programs to send an HTTP-based request to resources and applications residing on the web, cloud, mobile or other platforms. To support this integration architecture, the Reverse API solution can generate mainframe-based COBOL operations that send Binary encoded outbound requests, and receive JSON-originated and Binary- encoded inbound responses from non-mainframe applications.

Team management enhancements

  • New Shared With indication to non-admin users informing them on users and groups who share the project with them.
  • Administrators can edit and reset team member passwords.

Invoked-asset version management

Up to now, users were limited to incorporating the latest-version assets within a method flow. However,  to improve backward compatibility or to allow updating the asset to newer versions, users can select older or newer versions of method flow assets starting with this release. 

Enhancement to field mapping automation

Auto-mapping and disconnection of step-grouped fields in method flow mappers.   

Security enhancement

Server-side automatic encryption of password information in the module connection profile.

Pool connection management in AS400 connectors

The following configuration options were added to the connector ol add and ol test connection commands: pool.enable, pool.max-size, pool.min-size, pool.max-inactivity, pool.max-use-count, pool.max-lifetime, pool.max-use-time, pool.name.