OL Hub Release Notes V1.47

Release Date: 22 Feb 2022

Publish methods

Starting with version 1.4.7, users can publish methods to indicate that the method is production-ready. Methods that are not yet published cannot be deployed.

Input settings enhancement

Before the current version, users could add fields manually or import them from a file when setting method input fields. Starting with version 1.4.7, they can directly copy the method input and output business fields from an existing asset. 

License activation and expiration

When a user account license is not yet activated or has expired, a dialog box prompts the user to activate the license. 

A license expiration notification appears on top of the Hub page ten days before the expiration date. The user can hide the notification or navigate the Account Info section to renew the license.

Project flow usability enhancements

The following usability enhancements are added to the project flow:

  • Users can now resize the method flow canvas area to display more of its contents on screen.  

  • Users can now add or remove outputs from the flow by dragging and dropping output nodes to or from the canvas.  

Hub Operator in Red Hat Marketplace

Enterprises and customers can deploy the OpenLegacy Hub to any cloud running Red Hat OpenShift

Auto-Generate or delete contract (CLI)

Version 1.4.7 features the following CLI commands: 

  • ol create contract: The command auto-generates a contract to a specified project. This command is beneficial when changes occurring in the project assets need to be propagated to the project contract. 

  • ol delete contract:  removes a contract from a specified project. Deleting the contract is necessary before auto-generating a new contract for an existing project, 

Deploy project without image (CLI)

In previous versions, OpenLegacy CLI users had to provide the image name when deploying the project to the cloud with the ol deploy command. In the current version, OpenLegacy CLI calculates the deployed image name from the connected module and project. 

Users can still choose to provide the image name and override the default calculated name.  

Resolved issues

  • The API definition file was not loaded properly to swagger.
  • The REST JSON connector did not support query parameters.