OL Hub Release Notes 2.7.0

Release Date: 15 January 2024

OL HUB Core version 4.9.9 - OL HUB DTF version 2.1.1

PostgreSQL Parser new options

The PostgreSQL connector can now create assets from prepared statements. It can support simple queries and complex queries. It also supports PostgreSQL cells that hold Objects or Object Arrays.

The user may now run the command with a prepared statement using the --query option. For example:

ol add --query “select * from MyTable where object = ?” --operation-name get-object

Mainframe Dataset Server Connector

A new connector, mainframe-dataset-server, is now available. It is similar to the mainframe-dataset connector, but requires less JCL-related configurations. A Lean Java Server is required to be installed on the mainframe. The connector interacts with the server by using HTTP request/response. This makes the connector easier to configure because no jobs are required to run on the mainframe.

Azure Marketplace

The API Managed Service is now available on Azure Marketplace as a subscription service.

Admin can reset/change user passwords on the Settings > Team page

A user with an Admin role can reset the password of a user having a Contributor or Member role.

Add Program Path in Add Asset

When adding an asset from the backend, the Program Path can be added.

Test Flow Multi-select Profiles

In the Test Flow view, it is possible to select the profile to use.

Select Active profile for Deployment

The user now has the option to select the active profile for deployment.